The Clair Psychic Senses
The Clair Sense relate to the psychic senses. We all know our 5 senses, sight, taste, touch, hear and smell. Well the clair senses are just like that. These are the sense that psychics and mediums, use to give information. They are as follows:
Clairvoyance: Clear Vision. The ability to see beyond this realm. Usually seen in the minds eye as pictures, or symbols that relay information to the psychic or medium. I do know mediums that do "see" with their actual eyes on occasion, but this more rare, and usually clairvoyance happens in the minds eye. Almost like a thought in your mind. For example: Picture in your mind the letter A. See how you '"see" it, not with your eyes, but in your mind.
Clairgustance: Clear Tasting. A psychic will actually have a taste in their mouth, without actually eating or tasting anything. It is the sesation of having Spirit communicating a taste to the psychic or medium.
Clairtangency: Clear Touch. This is also known as psychometry. The ability to be able to touch or hold an object and recieve information about the owner of the object, or the history of the object. The psychic or the medium recieves the information through their hands, simply by holding or touching.
Clairaudient: Clear Hearing. The ability to hear outside this realm. Usually heard in the minds eyes. Just like with Clairvoyance, it can be heard audibaly with one's ears, but that is also more rare. Once again, now that you have pictured the letter A in your minds eye, this time say the letter A in your mind. See you did "hear" it, but not actually with your ears.
Clairscent: Clear Smelling. The ability to smell something outside of this realm. The smell comes from something not actually present at the time. For instance, your Aunt Susan who is passed always wore a fragrance called Roses. A medium is reading for you and tells you she is smelling a perfume called Roses. Well that is an example of a Spririt sending a smell to the medium.
Clairsentience: Clear feeling. The ability to feel strong emotions or feelings from a Spirit with out any outside stimulation to cause those feelings. A medium may have a feeling of pressure in their chest related to someone. Again it was your Aunt Susan who passed from a heart attack. It can actually be an emotion also. A sense of pride the medium is feeling toward you, only to find out that you just won this huge award for a spectacular project you accomplished.
Clairempathy: Clear emotion. The ability to feel the emotion of people and things around you. For example: Some psychics and mediums have to be careful not to pick up and hold on to other peoples emotions. Many people have to be careful about this too. It can make you actually feel and perceive emotions of someone else, as your own. You have to keep it separate from your own feelings and relize they are not yours. For example, you walk into a room with your best friend and her husband. You suddenly get the feeling of being angry and upset. Later you find out that your friend and her counter part just had an agrument before you walked into the room.
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