Keeping a Journal
Keeping a psychic journal is a great idea. Many people keep dream journals, or even a diary type journal. A psychic journal is no different. It can help you keep track of your experiences, and even validate experiences you might encounter. It seems like a simple idea, but you can really get a lot out of it. Things you might want to include are dreams, visits from Spirit, and even random thoughts or ideas, that pop into your head. Later you can go back and see if any of those thoughts were precognitive. How many times have you been thinking about something. It could be something very mundane and simple. Say for example, I would really like to have Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight. Not sure why that thought popped in my head, but oh well, it did. Later that day, hubby calls you in the afternoon, only to tell you he is picking up Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner. Now if your like me, you get that omg moment. You tell hubby I was just thinking that. Hubby usually replies, "oh really", and that is about it. Now imagine if you have a whole journal written with your random thoughts, and underneath each thought is an experience that actually was connected. They weren't so random after all. This really does help you to learn about yourself, and how things come to you. You can learn to understand how it felt when you had that "random thought." This helps you to recognize how it feels when you have those thoughts that aren't random, but actually part of a psychic experience. You might find you are more psychic then you ever thought! It can help you to build bigger experiences. Once you find out how you connect, what it feels like when you receive a message, your once step closer to better "tuning" into Spirit and the world around it. For example, once you recognize you might be having a psychic impression, you can question that experience. Now the next time you think " I want Kentucky Fried Chicken" question it. Ask yourself, why, who, anything else connected to that thought. You mind find you get another thought, maybe a picture of your husband in your head, or a thought of the phone with it. Well next try and put them all together. Kentucky Fried Chicken, hubby and phone. Wow... poof... Your hubby is thinking about that food too and there is a phone call connected. It's kind of like putting together a sentence from thoughts, ideas, and pictures you have in your mind. Once you getting going, it can all be very exciting. Generally when you get messages, psychic impressions, and many things of that nature, they are not given to you in sentences, and a nice little paragraph of a story. It comes more in the form of thoughts, ideas, pictures and symbols in your mind. It's up to you, how you interpret those, that make up the actual psychic impression. In closing, the point is, KEEP a journal. It's the best when it comes to validating your experiences. It really is a teaching tool. Your creating your own school book. A quick note about symbols, they are pictures of things that have meaning to you. For example, every time you get a picture of a cake in your head, it is connected to a birthday. Well now you know that the symbol of a cake, means birthday to you. Everyone has their own symbolic language. It's a special Spirit symbol language just for you. Again, that is something you learn by practicing, paying attention, and keeping track of. Now, everyone get your notebook and pen, and write, write, write.
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