Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How Spirits Communicate with Us

Many of you may ask, "How come I don't hear my loved ones Spirit?" The answer is that you might actually be hearing it, and not even realizing it. Spirits communicate in many ways. I think lots of people wait for that "BIG" sign. What you might not realize is that it can be something very simple and not noticed, unless your paying attention. When I refer to hear their voices, it's not necessarily a voice your going to hear. It can be a sign, a thought, a "coincidence" of some sort and even a dream you may of had. For example, your thinking of Aunt Martha, driving along, and poof the song she always sang to you comes on the radio. Coincidence?, well I believe that it's not by accident your hearing it. It's because Aunt Martha knows your thinking of her and just wanted to let you know she is thinking of you too. Most of the time it's not some great BIG message Spirits are sending to us, it's simply a little sign, a dream, a song, something just to let us know they are OK and they still sees whats going on. Just something to validate for you that they are still with us. They are only on the other side of the veil. The veil that separates our world from theirs. Have you ever been sitting down and poof the thought of someone you love, who has passed, pops in your mind. That may very well be a visit. When I have had the pleasure of connecting with Spirit and giving the information to a person, it's not really a voice in my ear that I hear. I hear more with my thoughts. For example, close your eyes, recite a poem you know. See you didn't hear that with your ears, but in your minds eye. The same can go for symbols, letters, initials when I have read for someone. They just kind of pop up like a thought. The trick is learning to realize what are your thoughts, and what the Spirits thoughts or what they are trying to get through to you. For the basics of How do Spirits Communicate with us. The best answer is: through dreams, "coincidences", thoughts, songs, even leaving coins, or that bird or butterfly that seems to follow you every where. No they are not the bird or that butterfly, but they can manipulate things to give you a sign. They can also manipulate electrical things, such as lights and phones. The important thing is to just pay attention. On that same note you really don't want to go looking for every little thing, thinking it's Aunt Martha either. Find a nice balance.


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