Monday, January 26, 2009

Keeping a Journal

Keeping a psychic journal is a great idea. Many people keep dream journals, or even a diary type journal. A psychic journal is no different. It can help you keep track of your experiences, and even validate experiences you might encounter. It seems like a simple idea, but you can really get a lot out of it. Things you might want to include are dreams, visits from Spirit, and even random thoughts or ideas, that pop into your head. Later you can go back and see if any of those thoughts were precognitive. How many times have you been thinking about something. It could be something very mundane and simple. Say for example, I would really like to have Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight. Not sure why that thought popped in my head, but oh well, it did. Later that day, hubby calls you in the afternoon, only to tell you he is picking up Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner. Now if your like me, you get that omg moment. You tell hubby I was just thinking that. Hubby usually replies, "oh really", and that is about it. Now imagine if you have a whole journal written with your random thoughts, and underneath each thought is an experience that actually was connected. They weren't so random after all. This really does help you to learn about yourself, and how things come to you. You can learn to understand how it felt when you had that "random thought." This helps you to recognize how it feels when you have those thoughts that aren't random, but actually part of a psychic experience. You might find you are more psychic then you ever thought! It can help you to build bigger experiences. Once you find out how you connect, what it feels like when you receive a message, your once step closer to better "tuning" into Spirit and the world around it. For example, once you recognize you might be having a psychic impression, you can question that experience. Now the next time you think " I want Kentucky Fried Chicken" question it. Ask yourself, why, who, anything else connected to that thought. You mind find you get another thought, maybe a picture of your husband in your head, or a thought of the phone with it. Well next try and put them all together. Kentucky Fried Chicken, hubby and phone. Wow... poof... Your hubby is thinking about that food too and there is a phone call connected. It's kind of like putting together a sentence from thoughts, ideas, and pictures you have in your mind. Once you getting going, it can all be very exciting. Generally when you get messages, psychic impressions, and many things of that nature, they are not given to you in sentences, and a nice little paragraph of a story. It comes more in the form of thoughts, ideas, pictures and symbols in your mind. It's up to you, how you interpret those, that make up the actual psychic impression. In closing, the point is, KEEP a journal. It's the best when it comes to validating your experiences. It really is a teaching tool. Your creating your own school book. A quick note about symbols, they are pictures of things that have meaning to you. For example, every time you get a picture of a cake in your head, it is connected to a birthday. Well now you know that the symbol of a cake, means birthday to you. Everyone has their own symbolic language. It's a special Spirit symbol language just for you. Again, that is something you learn by practicing, paying attention, and keeping track of. Now, everyone get your notebook and pen, and write, write, write.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Follow up to Pennies from Heaven

Okay, so I posted the story of finding pennies from my father earlier in the week. Well, I have a follow up to that story. The next day after I made that post, I was taking some pics of my son. Right in the background of the pic was a nice bright white orb. Generally I don't think too much of orbs, because many times it can simply be dust. It was bright and a bit impressive, so I just left it at that. The next day while driving with my sister, I was telling her about my pennies post, and about the orb in the photo I took. I was asking her if she thought maybe it had to do with our father. As I was getting ready to open the truck door, I asked her, "Do you think it was dad?" I then opened the door, stepped down, and low and behold, I actually almost stepped on a penny. We were in the parking lot of a gas station. I picked up the penny and said, " Okay, it was dad", and smiled. I like to think that it was a little sign from my father. I know he does visit us from time to time. That little penny simply confirms what I believe.


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Clair Psychic Senses

The Clair Sense relate to the psychic senses. We all know our 5 senses, sight, taste, touch, hear and smell. Well the clair senses are just like that. These are the sense that psychics and mediums, use to give information. They are as follows:

Clairvoyance: Clear Vision. The ability to see beyond this realm. Usually seen in the minds eye as pictures, or symbols that relay information to the psychic or medium. I do know mediums that do "see" with their actual eyes on occasion, but this more rare, and usually clairvoyance happens in the minds eye. Almost like a thought in your mind. For example: Picture in your mind the letter A. See how you '"see" it, not with your eyes, but in your mind.

Clairgustance: Clear Tasting. A psychic will actually have a taste in their mouth, without actually eating or tasting anything. It is the sesation of having Spirit communicating a taste to the psychic or medium.

Clairtangency: Clear Touch. This is also known as psychometry. The ability to be able to touch or hold an object and recieve information about the owner of the object, or the history of the object. The psychic or the medium recieves the information through their hands, simply by holding or touching.

Clairaudient: Clear Hearing. The ability to hear outside this realm. Usually heard in the minds eyes. Just like with Clairvoyance, it can be heard audibaly with one's ears, but that is also more rare. Once again, now that you have pictured the letter A in your minds eye, this time say the letter A in your mind. See you did "hear" it, but not actually with your ears.

Clairscent: Clear Smelling. The ability to smell something outside of this realm. The smell comes from something not actually present at the time. For instance, your Aunt Susan who is passed always wore a fragrance called Roses. A medium is reading for you and tells you she is smelling a perfume called Roses. Well that is an example of a Spririt sending a smell to the medium.

Clairsentience: Clear feeling. The ability to feel strong emotions or feelings from a Spirit with out any outside stimulation to cause those feelings. A medium may have a feeling of pressure in their chest related to someone. Again it was your Aunt Susan who passed from a heart attack. It can actually be an emotion also. A sense of pride the medium is feeling toward you, only to find out that you just won this huge award for a spectacular project you accomplished.

Clairempathy: Clear emotion. The ability to feel the emotion of people and things around you. For example: Some psychics and mediums have to be careful not to pick up and hold on to other peoples emotions. Many people have to be careful about this too. It can make you actually feel and perceive emotions of someone else, as your own. You have to keep it separate from your own feelings and relize they are not yours. For example, you walk into a room with your best friend and her husband. You suddenly get the feeling of being angry and upset. Later you find out that your friend and her counter part just had an agrument before you walked into the room.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pennies From Heaven

I thought I'd share a little experience I had regarding signs that our loved ones can give us. Shortly after my dad passed I began finding pennies everywhere. I'd get in my car and there would be one on my seat. A penny even appeared in the Doctor's office. It was right after I found out I was pregnant, and was standing at the counter to make another appointment. Low and behold I look down for some reason and there it was, a penny. After I left the office and started to open my car door, I noticed a penny laying right at my feet. It was to a point, I'd be thinking about my father and where ever I was, I'd notice a penny laying in front of me somewhere. I did believe these were my "pennies from Heaven". I just "knew" they were a little sign from my dad. My sisters and I were having a conversation about how I would always find pennies this way. Well as we chatted, I made the comment, " Well if it is Dad then he should be leaving quarters." My father was an avid collector of the new quarters. He had a special book for them, and my girls would sit with him as he showed them each one. He even started a book for each of my girls. My one sister was getting ready to leave after our little conversation, and I decided to walk her to her car. No sooner then I stepped out of the door and placed my feet on the sidewalk, I noticed in all it's glory, a bright silver quarter almost staring up at me. I actually began to laugh and said "thanks dad, I knew it was you." My sister grinned and shook her head in acknowledgment, that she too believed it was my father's little sign, that he was still with us. I just wanted to share that something as simple as a penny, can be a conformation, that your loved one is still connected to you. It really can be a matter of something so simple.


Psychics and Psychic Mediums

Psychics and Psychic Mediums, what's the difference? Not all psychics are mediums, but all mediums are psychic. Here are the definitions for both, and how they usually perform their work.

Psychics: People who are able to read or tap into your past, present and future. They do not communicate with Spirits. Generally a psychic will perform a reading that will give you incite on what is currently going on in your life, what has happened in your past, and make predictions about your future.

Psychic Mediums: People who are able to communicate with Spirits. Psychics who work as a medium, usually do not give readings on your past, present and future. Their gifts are more targeted with communicating with Spirits. Their work usually involves giving you validating information, that will help prove the existence of life after death.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Spirit Guides, Ghosts and Spirits

I know many of you wonder what is the difference between Spirit Guides, Ghosts and Spirits. Here are my beliefs on what each are:

Spirit Guides: They are the Spirit of those who have once lived before. You might have even lived a previous life with one of your guides. You have more than one guide. Your main guide is with you from birth through out your life. Other guides come and go as you need them. I like to think of my guide as "my little voice". You know that voice in your thoughts that call you by name. The one that says in your head "Hey Susan I might think about that first." Not the voice that says " I am going to do that" That word I probably signifies it's your own thought. One word about Spirit Guides, they are not here to tell you what to do, only to guide you on your life's journey.

Ghosts: They are the not crossed over to the other side of the veil. They are here for many reasons. Some reasons may be they actually don't know they are dead, or maybe afraid to cross for things they have done. They could also just refuse to cross into the light for what ever reason. Ghost can be annoying, bothersome and sometimes just plain eerie to deal with.

Spirits: Spirits are the souls of those who are crossed over to the other side of the veil. They have crossed into the light. These souls are at peace and do not bother or annoy. Communication from them are peaceful, validating, and brought through love.


How Spirits Communicate with Us

Many of you may ask, "How come I don't hear my loved ones Spirit?" The answer is that you might actually be hearing it, and not even realizing it. Spirits communicate in many ways. I think lots of people wait for that "BIG" sign. What you might not realize is that it can be something very simple and not noticed, unless your paying attention. When I refer to hear their voices, it's not necessarily a voice your going to hear. It can be a sign, a thought, a "coincidence" of some sort and even a dream you may of had. For example, your thinking of Aunt Martha, driving along, and poof the song she always sang to you comes on the radio. Coincidence?, well I believe that it's not by accident your hearing it. It's because Aunt Martha knows your thinking of her and just wanted to let you know she is thinking of you too. Most of the time it's not some great BIG message Spirits are sending to us, it's simply a little sign, a dream, a song, something just to let us know they are OK and they still sees whats going on. Just something to validate for you that they are still with us. They are only on the other side of the veil. The veil that separates our world from theirs. Have you ever been sitting down and poof the thought of someone you love, who has passed, pops in your mind. That may very well be a visit. When I have had the pleasure of connecting with Spirit and giving the information to a person, it's not really a voice in my ear that I hear. I hear more with my thoughts. For example, close your eyes, recite a poem you know. See you didn't hear that with your ears, but in your minds eye. The same can go for symbols, letters, initials when I have read for someone. They just kind of pop up like a thought. The trick is learning to realize what are your thoughts, and what the Spirits thoughts or what they are trying to get through to you. For the basics of How do Spirits Communicate with us. The best answer is: through dreams, "coincidences", thoughts, songs, even leaving coins, or that bird or butterfly that seems to follow you every where. No they are not the bird or that butterfly, but they can manipulate things to give you a sign. They can also manipulate electrical things, such as lights and phones. The important thing is to just pay attention. On that same note you really don't want to go looking for every little thing, thinking it's Aunt Martha either. Find a nice balance.


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